Saturday, August 27, 2011

D&D Characters

Hello all,  Today I am going to show you some characters that I did for my local D&D groups.  I play in 2 different groups and I told them that I would paint them a figure so that we would have nice painted models to play with.  They all got there own figures and I painted them, so here they are.

This is my Dragonborn Sorcerer, I added wings for extra flare.

This is a Goliath Paladin, he really liked the drinking figure, he ended up being pretty awesome in combat.

This was a Human Rogue, his rogue was sick when he got his sneak attack, OMG!

One of the people in my group wanted me to paint some figures and I wanted to share my favorite one.  This is going to be a Bard, I had so much fun painting her and she was such a unique figure.

Finally this is a Genasi Swordmage, she is a duel elemental fire and lightning.  I split the figure just to see what it would look like.  I think it turned out well.

Please let me know what you think.  Next week I will be posting about my army project again.


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