Saturday, September 3, 2011

Building an army part 2

Hello and welcome again to Building an army.  Today I wanted to show you a little of what I am dealing with here...

This is just two of many trays that I have of chaos daemons, so many!

So one big task that needs to be done is to clean the models, as you can see there is some flashing as well as some molding lines.

So first I got to get me some tools!  From left to right you have spring loaded pliers, flat clippers, triangle file, round file, needle teasers, and an exact o knife.

Next, it's time to get the flashing off, stupid flashing! 
(by the way flashing is the little metal bits still attached to the model)

Now I am going to file off the mold lines.

So now I have to bend the legs.  To do this I wrapped the model in a paper towel first so I don't damage it and then I slowly bend the legs to get them into the position that I need them to be in to fit on the bases.

Now I glue the model on the base.  Some people have a preference to paint the models and bases separate.  For me it depends on what project I am working on. 

I attached the weapon and there you have it. assembled...he he he, long way to go.

So there you have it.  This is the process that I will be using to assemble all my models for this army.  Lot's of people have posted things regarding cleaning and prepping models to paint, so now I have.  Please let me know what you think.  

Till next week, take care.


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