Sunday, September 18, 2011

Hello all and welcome to Painting Lohr.  It has been a busy week for me so sorry I am a bit late with the post.  Recently I have been working on my army for my "Building an army" series but am not ready to post again yet...still color choices to make.  I also finished the rest of the chaos army I have been working on.  Those pictures will be up soon.  As for now I will show you some more models I did for my expanding D&D group, hope you enjoy.

Here is a human avenger I did.  I am placing them on the WOTC dungeon tiles for a little background.

This was an eladrin wizard.

This was originally an elf fighter, but the player decided to change to an elf bard.

This was a model I did for a guy that is no longer in our group.  It was a dragonborn warlord.  Funny thing we just had another guy join our group and he wanted to play the same thing... so everything worked out.

Please let me know what you think.

I am working hard and trying to get my models out there.  I will post next week about another location you can see my models.

I also want to thank my friends and family for being so supportive in these past few months.

That's all for now, see you next time.


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