Saturday, September 10, 2011

Hello all!!! Recently a local game store called All Fun and Games allowed me to put some of my models on display.

Here is the store website

In the front you can see my business card along with my D&D sorcerer on the left and some Warriors of Chaos to the right.

In the front you can see some of my old Khorn daemons, Kharn, and a Khorn lord.  On the right you can see a sisters of battle as well as two grey knights.  My money is on the daemons.

Here you see some Lord of the Rings figures.  You have the army of the dead as well as the king of the dead on the left.  On the right you see Sauron, the Mouth of Sauron, the Witch King and some ring wraiths.

Here is a short video I shot of the entire display.

Please let me know what you think.

Soon I should have Building an amy part 3 for you.  I am getting into some painting decisions so it is taking me a little time.



  1. Curt! Your stuff looks awesome! I remember painting my Chaos Dwarf army with you and George back in the day. You've got skills man!

  2. Thanks man. Hey guess what I found like 5 more unpainted chaos dwarfs. Do you still have those?
