Sunday, March 31, 2013

Hello and I'm back, well I have been on kinda a hiadus for some time.  Due to injury and everyday life but I am back and still painting.  I have since moved and the two stores that I had my models in have moved and I am currently working to get them on display again, I will keep you posted.

Since the last time I posted I have done some more work.  Over the next couple of weeks and months to come I will be sharing some things that I have been working on and some step by step projects that I completed.  Hope you will join me.

First I am going to show you a project I did for a friend.  He really likes Wolverine and Heroclix.  He wanted to show his regeneration in the game so I came up with an idea.  I took a Wolverine that was getting blasted and put him on an existing base and created something really cool.

Here is the base the two base Wolverine models

First I had to get them out of their comfort zones... lol...

Next I had to bend and glue to the current base that I am using.  To do this I used a hairdryer and glue... nothing too fancy.

Finally I gave him a new paint job and we are done.

Here is the completed fig and he really stands out when you play him... Usually people say COOL!!!
 or gross...

Hope you enjoyed.  Please let me know if there is something you would like to see or if you would like something customized.  

Thanks and hope to see you soon!


Saturday, September 24, 2011

Hello and welcome again to Painting Lohr.  This week I wanted to show you another location to see some of my models.

This time I went over to Scifi Genre!

Here is some Khorne Daemons!  I love Khorne by the way.

These are some more lord of the rings models.  You can see the Army of the dead on the left and some ring wraiths on the right.

This is a display of two dungeons and dragons models as well as my business card.

Here is some chaos knights, chaos warriors, and chaos hounds.  These models are for sale, email me if you have any questions.

And finally here is the full display in the case!

I would like to thanks Zach and the entire crew at Scifi Genre for letting me display some models in there great store.

Well that is all this week.  Next week we will get back to some more painting and modeling.  Please let me know if you would like to see anything in particular.  Thank and see you next week.


Sunday, September 18, 2011

Hello all and welcome to Painting Lohr.  It has been a busy week for me so sorry I am a bit late with the post.  Recently I have been working on my army for my "Building an army" series but am not ready to post again yet...still color choices to make.  I also finished the rest of the chaos army I have been working on.  Those pictures will be up soon.  As for now I will show you some more models I did for my expanding D&D group, hope you enjoy.

Here is a human avenger I did.  I am placing them on the WOTC dungeon tiles for a little background.

This was an eladrin wizard.

This was originally an elf fighter, but the player decided to change to an elf bard.

This was a model I did for a guy that is no longer in our group.  It was a dragonborn warlord.  Funny thing we just had another guy join our group and he wanted to play the same thing... so everything worked out.

Please let me know what you think.

I am working hard and trying to get my models out there.  I will post next week about another location you can see my models.

I also want to thank my friends and family for being so supportive in these past few months.

That's all for now, see you next time.


Saturday, September 10, 2011

Hello all!!! Recently a local game store called All Fun and Games allowed me to put some of my models on display.

Here is the store website

In the front you can see my business card along with my D&D sorcerer on the left and some Warriors of Chaos to the right.

In the front you can see some of my old Khorn daemons, Kharn, and a Khorn lord.  On the right you can see a sisters of battle as well as two grey knights.  My money is on the daemons.

Here you see some Lord of the Rings figures.  You have the army of the dead as well as the king of the dead on the left.  On the right you see Sauron, the Mouth of Sauron, the Witch King and some ring wraiths.

Here is a short video I shot of the entire display.

Please let me know what you think.

Soon I should have Building an amy part 3 for you.  I am getting into some painting decisions so it is taking me a little time.


Saturday, September 3, 2011

Building an army part 2

Hello and welcome again to Building an army.  Today I wanted to show you a little of what I am dealing with here...

This is just two of many trays that I have of chaos daemons, so many!

So one big task that needs to be done is to clean the models, as you can see there is some flashing as well as some molding lines.

So first I got to get me some tools!  From left to right you have spring loaded pliers, flat clippers, triangle file, round file, needle teasers, and an exact o knife.

Next, it's time to get the flashing off, stupid flashing! 
(by the way flashing is the little metal bits still attached to the model)

Now I am going to file off the mold lines.

So now I have to bend the legs.  To do this I wrapped the model in a paper towel first so I don't damage it and then I slowly bend the legs to get them into the position that I need them to be in to fit on the bases.

Now I glue the model on the base.  Some people have a preference to paint the models and bases separate.  For me it depends on what project I am working on. 

I attached the weapon and there you have it. assembled...he he he, long way to go.

So there you have it.  This is the process that I will be using to assemble all my models for this army.  Lot's of people have posted things regarding cleaning and prepping models to paint, so now I have.  Please let me know what you think.  

Till next week, take care.


Saturday, August 27, 2011

D&D Characters

Hello all,  Today I am going to show you some characters that I did for my local D&D groups.  I play in 2 different groups and I told them that I would paint them a figure so that we would have nice painted models to play with.  They all got there own figures and I painted them, so here they are.

This is my Dragonborn Sorcerer, I added wings for extra flare.

This is a Goliath Paladin, he really liked the drinking figure, he ended up being pretty awesome in combat.

This was a Human Rogue, his rogue was sick when he got his sneak attack, OMG!

One of the people in my group wanted me to paint some figures and I wanted to share my favorite one.  This is going to be a Bard, I had so much fun painting her and she was such a unique figure.

Finally this is a Genasi Swordmage, she is a duel elemental fire and lightning.  I split the figure just to see what it would look like.  I think it turned out well.

Please let me know what you think.  Next week I will be posting about my army project again.


Saturday, August 20, 2011

Building an army part 1

Hello all, I am undergoing a big project that I have been putting of for years.  I am building an army!  

More to the point I am building a Chaos Daemon 40k/Fantasy army.  I say 40k/Fantasy because the models can be used for both games only if you base them right.  I ordered some models from Games Workshop while I was still working there.  I say some models but it was more like a boat load-o-models.  On top of that they are all metal! 

Thinking about the army, I have mostly Khorne daemons but really I have several from different of the chaos factions.  I wanted to come up with a theme,  I thought about doing something more generic or maybe something dark.  But then I read some more fluff (background) and I found an instance where some daemons were banished.  I thought that sounded cool and I was thinking about how those daemons might look.  I decided on doing a white daemon army.  Not good daemons, but daemons that were trying to get back in favor of the chaos gods.  Plus if I do a white theme, and all the daemons were the same color, I think they would look cool.

So, over the next couple of months I will be detailing the process I go threw to model and paint them.  I got a lot of work ahead of me and I hope you enjoy the ride.

To start with I wanted to build an army from the ground up, well more to the point from the base up. Well that got me to thinking about what kind of bases I had at my disposal.  After looking I only had the bases that came with the models, crap.  Not wanting to use those I decided to look online for some bases.  I went to some sites and found some that were some cool looking but they were either more than I wanted to spend or they were out of stock/low stock on the ones that I wanted.  Also I wanted magnetic bases for the plain fact that they are cool to stick to the fridge…well no, it was so they could rank up nice and not fall over all the time.  After much deliberation I decided I was going to make my own…(queue the scary music)

First I had to get some magnetic bases.  I went to my good friends at Gale Force 9, well not my good friends per say but I do like their stuff.  I ordered the 25mm bases and this is what they look like.

Next I wanted to do some sort of broken lands theme on the bases.  I looked around at my bits and I found that I had some plastic card laying about.  I cut them up and arranged them on a base.

After that it was time to glue the pieces to the base. 

Next the long process of letting them dry…suck part, I hate waiting.

I discovered that they looked just a little plain so I took some green stuff and make little alien looking vegetation that looked like it might grow here or something and glued them to the base.

Finally it was time to prime.  Since I am doing a mostly white army I decided to use that Army Painter “Uniform Grey” primer.

So as you can see there are a lot of steps to get them to this point.  I am going to get the bases to this point and then glue a model to them so that I can paint them all together.

I thank my friend "Stumpe" for kicking me into gear to get this project started.

Please let me know what you think and if you have any questions feel free to ask.

More to come please stay tuned...(queue scary music again)
